It is only recently that I have realised the soft patterns that conform ones life.
Commuting is definitely a source of them. Before my commuting was more flexible hence more variation allowed, now I am restricted to two trains an hour.
The chain of events and pattern is hence tighter, each morning repeats it-self same faces, same trains in the same stations. The funniest thing is when you see the same faces on the train on the way back in the evening. The weirdest is the lack of communication, we all are there, we all share the same transport, makeshift reading room. We all work and live around the same river of steel. Yet even without the need of a lingua franca there is no exchange. Modern life in the city is just like that I guess.
When it requires effort to approach the other we do it, when it is seamless we don't. As if the value of the other person was not in themselves, nor the exchange, but in the energy required to approach them. In the reaction energy of the interaction, as if all that mattered was the park required saying the first word.
Commuting is like a big experiment, an endless observation of human nature. I always though much in line with Thinks of David lodge, that human nature was the the ultimate complex object to understand. The ultimate set of rules that if properly mastered would give all answers. I always though there where two tools to assist in that understanding, one AI, another Literature, now I would add another one to the arsenal, commuting.
Ti penso tanto sul mio trenino ... sai?