Monday, May 21, 2007

Codenix c'est moi?

I must spend so much time in front of a keyboard that when my hands are not on one they feel itchy. Some people may call it professional deformation I just call it my life style. A life style which I like, I enjoy. Its not that I am a workaholic, far from that. I just must have fallen into a cauldron of source-code when I was a kid and the rest just came after. Lets enjoy the ride then...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My next time in London will be....

I have tickets, I have need, I am indeed going to London again.... For all of you out there I will be in London 15th to 17th of June. People I missed last time have priority but group gatherings will be of the essence. I will try to see more people this time even if I have less time.

Lets Rock and Roll London here I go.