Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The pains of growing up

Halfway to the bottom- Aqualung

You're either dipping your toe
Or you're drowning
You're either dipping your toe
Or you're drowning
Is it better never to start
Than to bear the pain
Of having to stop
Of having to stop

Halfway to the bottom
Instantly forgotten

I never thought it would come
So easy
I never thought it would go
So quickly
Is it safer never to love
Than to risk your heart
Having to lose
Having to lose

Halfway to the bottom
Instantly forgotten
I don't know
Which way to go

Is it wiser never to speak
Than to raise your voice
And never be heard
Never be heard
Never be heard

I made a decision 10 months ago to change everything. To throw my old self out of the window and out of the bits that I found when I hit the floor I am re-building, without re-inventing my new me. The decision was not carefully thought through and planned. But I am finally beginning to reach the point in which the lyrics of the above song do not apply anymore. And that feels good, very good. Its a few long days at work with several sad stories happening to people I care about. Now I have to start applying what I learn to other aspects.
Basis for this renaissance are some people I have met for which I should make more time. Just a few pints and a few glasses of "Rusty Nail" with them have gone a long way in that direction. What can I say, I am starting to stand up again. Falling at this point is compulsory, and indeed that already happened.