One just carries on with life, just noticing two subtle differences.
1) Things appear to repeat themselves.
2) In presence of a situation the outcome of it is minded instants before it occurs.
3) Hangovers are horribly worse.
4) Patience is limited with kinds of people with which there was a lot.
5) Annoying traits of character in others are directly indentified as: Damn I used to be like that once upon a time.
6) Every bottle in my bar has a story associated with it, and I do not need to be drunk to tell them.
7) I have less time for reading, and even less for writing.
8) Looking at the past is inevitable as everyting reminds you of it.
9) Your
10) Holidays are a rare comodity.
11) Most of the brilliant ideas of the past that I may have had, have made it to be succesful products without any involvement on my part.
12) The need to make lists out of everything seems to be stronger than anything.
I do not know if aany of this makes any sense but I guess its all part of growing up to start swapping insanity for senility ;P
Oh, it does make sense.
Unfortunately :)
un poc d'ànim des d'un lloc fred i gelat, i no parle de la vila i horror de Nules... he emigrat a la Cerdanya (frontera catalano-francesa) a treballar a una estació d'ski, mes concretament a Masella, i ja estic mirant de emigrar a l'estiu a Menorca.
Dius que les vacances son un luxe, cada cop mes poc usual, doncs jo he decidit viure on molta gent fa vacances, i a fer la ma.
Ja tardes en vindre!
Salut wapo
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