Friday, October 09, 2009

Sailing in NL with a

Sailing in NL with a strict prohibition on breaking anything. Game on


Scary: "I'm teaching every 8-year-old relative to say this, and every 14-year-old to do the same thing with Toy Story.  Also, Pokemon hit the US over a decade ago and kids born after Aladdin came out will turn 18 next year."

I do not plant hooks to scare the bazingaaa out of me, but it is indeed scary. Realising that the amount of stuff that happened in your life time begins to out span other life times is something scary. Is this a hint towards parenthood?
Now I am scaring everyone.........


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Daily quote: Downfall of Man...

Daily quote: Downfall of Man...: "I'm not alone in thinking that people who use liquid hand sanitizer will be the ultimate downfall of mankind."

Yet its all over the place in this times of swine flu paranoia.

Dislocated day

Dislocated day

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Resurrection day. Bo

Resurrection day. Both my N95 and my windows box came back to life today. Weird.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Daily quote from Quotes for Idiots

Daily quote from Quotes for Idiots: "If it looks dark and cloudy outside, it's probably going to rain soon. If drops of water are falling from the sky, it's already raining."

The simple facts of life are always the hardest to explain. Yet when explained there are always shockingly obvious.

Windows backup, re-i

Windows backup, re-install, restore... the painful mantra that I have not exercised in the last 7 years. When did I loose the I will not fix your computer t-shirt?


I wish it was so simple to explain it to a bunch of 16 year olds'.

RPS: "It looks good, but it needs more postfixins."