Sunday, June 26, 2011

Adopted by another city

As the time that I borrow on this earth flows I get to feel adopted by another city. This time it is Porto. The birth city of my girlfriend. I feel adopted by it because of the warmth of its people, the sights and sounds that feel more and more familiar. Also the growing number of expriences associated with it. It is in Porto after all that we got a concert of AIR for free, just because we dared to say hi to Jean-Benoit. It is in Porto that I met  Billy "bass" of George Clinton and Parliament fame with the attached picture as a backdrop. It is then that you get to realise that certain moments are unique.

It is also the sight at sunset over the Ponte do Infante. Or even better de S. João fireworks from our own uncrowded spot by the river Douro after having been stuffed with sardines bbq and caldo verde. Fruit salts being optional as we get more and more used to the customs. Its also realising that the language of the locals is becoming my own. Its meeting the grand parents and seeing the maternal house and  village. All those unique experiences that just happen to occur here, and that makes the borrowed time feel more relevant. It makes it feel like it was put to better use.

Friday, May 20, 2011

CCC ticket presale i

CCC ticket presale is on. Get yours now: #CCC

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Was diagnosed last n

Was diagnosed last night (by a friend) as suffering from Socialhypertrophia. Do you concur? #juanism

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Monday, May 09, 2011

Subtle pleasures in

Subtle pleasures in life: Pressing the submit button, for a paper. The question remains, will it blend?

Now time to go to be

Now time to go to bed. Lawrence & Dalton Towers you will be fondly remembered.

Flight status: Intro

Flight status: Introduction and conclussions missing, tidying up needed. Doable in a day. The true question is , will il blend??

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It's my birthday and

from HellotxtIt's my birthday and I browse if I want to. l

Pretty girl outside

Pretty girl outside of Waaier: Do you know what the Model United Nations is? My reply: Yes, I participated in one 20 years ago. #FeelingOId.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tired of people thin

Tired of people thinking reality is fiction, and fiction reality. To each his own I say!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

On the night shift,

On the night shift, and I have the feeling it wont be the only time in the near future

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

On the very constrai

On the very constrained topic of the Iverson bracket, or convention. I have reached the edge of wikipedia. We will carry on hitting the wall.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dim sum, Thai green

Dim sum, Thai green curry and Horizon. Sounds like a plan for the Friday night.