Friday, July 08, 2005

And againAnd again people have died in a violent maner in the rich parts of the world. And again we have all been reminded of the frailty of the human. And again a thousend stories emerge from the events. The stories have now, the day after, consolidated leaving the confusions of the early moments behind as a caracteristics of this event. Everyone's story was different yet most people had a story to realte it to, we have all seen it before, yet this time as always, its different.

In this times in which atomic cretinism with its inherent bi-polar view, not only of the world but, of ideas difficult problems are hard to solve. Terrorism is not the problem, its the symptom of a far more complex problem.

When the strong inequalities that the present world offers are stomped out, when all humans are just that, human, then perhaps answers will be found. Then perhaps the real solutions the complex yet beautiful answers will be found and applied.

Many feelings ran through me yesterday only to find comfort that those that I love where out of harm, it saddens me deeply that not everyone is this wonderfull city can say the same.

In the mean time how many people have to die? How many more inocent victims have to be made in the name of fighting a sympton and not the main cause of the problem? How many more?

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