Friday, September 08, 2006

Letting go and enjoying

Quite a few things have changed in my life recently, some others have not. Work for example has not changed much even if the roller coaster has picked up some pace.

A few weeks back I posted a plan for the summer which has proved to be asleep fulfilling prophecy yet I do not seem to be capable of enjoying it as much, letting go is the hardest I always found to do.

Lets let go am enjoy things as they are, come back to being an irreverent mind and re-visit all the places of the mind where comfort in chaos lies. Uncertainty is the word of the moment, instability is another one too, lets embrace entropy, the entropy that will forever live in my life. Lets drain the energy out of the chaos, lets enjoy the chaos as it comes, let enjoy the easy part of life, lets work hard at the hard.

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