Thursday, July 22, 2004

That is it the decission has been implemented to the tune of the following lines I have resigned from my current job. She read it but did not understand it I am sure.

I hereby hand my formal resignation from my position as a PhD student under your supervision. The reasons for my resignation could be explained to great lenghts.

However it should only suffice for me to state that I do not feel the appropriate level of support or academic supervision is present.

I undertook this assignement with great confidence in my capabilities and I still think I can take this PhD but the working environment has deterred me from achieving my full academic potential.

That was it ... I even made my own mail round... offered to ease the transition and that is it. Point finished. I am out of here once again with my whole life ahead of me and just lots of stories to tell my grandkids about.

It feels so good to be over this hurdle. I am now free to inslave my-self somewhere else hopefully somewhre where I can work properly.

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